Friday, October 6, 2006

National Poetry Day

Seeing as today is National Poetry Day I was planning to include my favourite poem, IF by Rudyard Kipling.

Having listened to the Mark Radcliffe show on Radio 2 tonight, I came across the following poet who was a guest on the show.

Further to this I checked out his website and it describes him as 'Slade fan and Evertonian' - so he can't be bad!!!

I have decided to use Paul Cookson's ode to Noddy Holder instead.

Touched by the Band of Nod

People seem to find it strange
Some may find it odd
But even after all these years
I still believe in Nod

I'm still that kid from school
Standing in the quad
Twenty five years on and more
I still singalonga Nod

I never really followed
Elton, Marc or Rod
I didn't wow 'bout Bowie
But the voice and power of Nod

The howl of Little Richard
The smile of Kenneth Dodd *
Showman, entertainer
The presence of Lord Nod

My ambition was to follow
In the path he trod
Instead of singing songs I've made
I'm writing poems about Slade
there's Jimmy, Don and there's Dave
Not forgetting Nod

Too young to be a punk
Too old to be a mod
I was just a glam rock kid
Touched by the band of Nod

(c) Paul Cookson

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